Monday, November 10, 2014

Video of How To Produce Liquid Soap, Bar Soap, Detergent, Pomade, Air Freshener

Hello. ProductionPanel is now making videos of better ways to produce liquid soap,Bar soap,powdered detergent,Pomade,Liquid Air Freshener.

On completion,the VCD'll be delivered to your place. If you're interested,kindly text your;


08069344902 -Ubong

Nigerian Hub

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unspoken Truth on Production

Are they Professors of production because they produce Hair cream, bar and liquid soap, paints, hair shampoo and other things used on daily basis?

People call me "The Young Investor", not because i finished as a chemical engineer, but because i show them how to produce in the
most economical rates.

Our website,  is long for a reason. It has everything you need to start producing anything in Nigeria to meet foreign standards.

If i were you, i would stop buying everything i use, but produce some and sale to others. Make some money.

My best wishes.
Ubong Edem

Monday, September 15, 2014

5 for 1 Offer (Most-Economical Ways To Produce)

Bar soap: This is presenting a formulation and steps that will produce solid bars of soap that actually solidifies within 24 hours, not 2 weeks that a lot of people use in getting their soaps solidified.

Powdered Detergent: Discover a formulation and steps that gives you a perfect powdered detergent product. Get optimized product quality while the output gets increased as well.

Liquid Air Freshener: In this formulation, you get to know how to how to produce Lliquid Air Freshener that scents a place as thunder, while the raw materials used get reduced.

Liquid soap: Many people produce liquid soap, but not many have the right formulation and steps that will maintain the stability of the product for months, even without preservative.

Bleach: We give the steps and formulations to getting your perfect product (bleach)

What Chemical Engineers do is to optimize your product quality and reduce the time at which you move from raw materials level to finished product.

Only a few people understand what i giving out. And i believe you are one. So, if that is true, click HERE now and follow do as you are told

Thank you.
Ubong Edem , 08069344902

Friday, August 15, 2014


Hello.. My name is Ubong Edem. I studied Chemical Engineering. Some people call me “The Young Investor”.

I am neither here to joke with you nor to play with your time. I have a message for all prospective producers. The time is up for buying everything you use at home. The time to produce all those things that you use at home, by yourself is now.

Actually, hundreds of Nigerians have been trained to produce many things, by me. I still have a burden in my heart that someone is out there. Someone that should know how to produce what we use everyday. On a serious note, that person can be you. If you feel that it is time for you to produce the liquid soap that you use to wash your cars, clothes, plates, clean your sliding windows (glass windows), mob your  tiled floor, produce the powered detergent that you use, produce the cream that you use, produce the shoe polish you use, produce the paints that you use on the walls of your house, produce the solid soap that you use at home. Then, leave whatever you are doing now and visit our “Skills Acquisition E-center at “ because we have to move from consuming to producing today.

Thank you.
Ubong Edem

Thursday, April 24, 2014

You Blessed Me For A Penny (1500 Skills Acquisition)

Yeah… After someone ordered three (3) of my manuals for the production of;
Hair growth cream
Powdered Detergent
Liquid Soap

This person(the Lady) called me back after 2 days and thanked me.
Saying that when she ordered the manuals, she just wanted to try.
But, she was surprised that a good thing can be found in Nigeria. Keeping to the promise.
She then shouted, “Heyyyyyyyy…………… You blessed me For A Penny”

Unfortunately, the blessing with penny is ending in a couple of hours.
It ends by 12 mid-night on Friday, 25th of April, 2014.

If you have ever wished to produce any of;
Air Freshener
Bar Soap
Body Perfume
Cold Wash
Face Powder
Hair Growth Cream
Liquid Soap
Medicated Powder
Medicated Soap
Powder Detergent
Shoe Polish
Toilet Soap, I’d suggest that you drop anything that you are doing now, call me on 2348069344902,

You will also be blessed for a penny. I promise to deliver more.  

 Thank you.
Ubong Edem

Sunday, April 20, 2014

1500 Production (Skills Acquisition) Offer

Have you ever wished of becoming a producer?
Have you ever wished to produce everything that you use with your family, starting from ;
Air Freshener
Bar Soap
Body Perfume
Cold Wash
Face Powder
Hair Growth Cream
Liquid Soap
Medicated Powder
Medicated Soap
Powder Detergent
Shoe Polish
To Toilet Soap?

Have you wished to produce and sale to the ever increasing population?
If YES. I have a word for you.

DON’T become a Producer through the hard way.

For over three (3) years, I have spent my times at laboratories, and production sites, aside from my training as a Chemical Engineer, just to arrive at a perfect formulations and steps to producing anything, and in the most-economical ways.

In the spirit of Easter, also as a celebration of my month of birth, I am willing to expose the steps and formulations to producing anything that you want. Just let me know what you what to produce. And I am here to deliver.

On your own part, a tiny investment of just N1,500 will pull you from just wishing, to being it. PRODUCER.

This offer is only valid till Friday, 25th of April, 2014.

Drop whatever you are doing now call me on 2348069344902. Use this opportunity and become a PRODUCER.

After your payment confirmation, you’ll get my practical manual on any product chosen by you via email. Thank you.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How to Produce Cleaning Bleach for Domestic and Commercial Purposes

“The very Best proof that something can be done is that someone else has already done it.” – Bertrand Russell
Some weeks ago, I took on Production of Liquid Soap and Bar Soap with some Nigerians, which were successful, not that I had a lot of people, but because I was able to bring up a cream of Producers who are only interested in getting the best results.

I was even shocked to see a lady that produced a very nice soap from a fruit that grows everywhere in Nigeria where rural  people only use as sponge, as I directed her without any complain, “Loofah”, check and see the pix that she sent to me last week.

Let me point it out here, I am the first person in Nigeria to use this natural non-edible fruit to produce toilet soap.

And now, I am promising you that from the best formulation where high quality is assured to maximizing profits with Production of Bleach, I, Ubong Edem will deliver to you, the; what, why, and how about Bleach Production in the most economical ways.

What I Have For You Today
I have packaged a step-by-step directive and formulation for you to produce cleaning bleach today. Here is the deal. This step-by-step guide to the production of cleaning bleach will be sent to you via email and formulation, via sms, at most, 24 hours after N4,000 payment confirmation.

Bank name: Zenith Bank
Account number: 2007597279
Account name: Ubong Edem

100% Refunds
Please, if you get this guide and you are not able to produce after following the steps, I want you to complain and your money will be refunded to you.

Validity of this Offer
This offer is to end next week’s Friday (31/01/2014)

Anybody who takes this offer will definitely produce Bleach today.
Thank you.
Ubong Edem, 08069344902