Friday, August 15, 2014


Hello.. My name is Ubong Edem. I studied Chemical Engineering. Some people call me “The Young Investor”.

I am neither here to joke with you nor to play with your time. I have a message for all prospective producers. The time is up for buying everything you use at home. The time to produce all those things that you use at home, by yourself is now.

Actually, hundreds of Nigerians have been trained to produce many things, by me. I still have a burden in my heart that someone is out there. Someone that should know how to produce what we use everyday. On a serious note, that person can be you. If you feel that it is time for you to produce the liquid soap that you use to wash your cars, clothes, plates, clean your sliding windows (glass windows), mob your  tiled floor, produce the powered detergent that you use, produce the cream that you use, produce the shoe polish you use, produce the paints that you use on the walls of your house, produce the solid soap that you use at home. Then, leave whatever you are doing now and visit our “Skills Acquisition E-center at “ because we have to move from consuming to producing today.

Thank you.
Ubong Edem