Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reactions From Last Friday's UN Bombing

Hello Nigeria!!!

           Better Secrets gathered that in spite of the increasing evidences that the Nigerian government’s heavy-handed strategy for containing a radical Islamist sect has failed, some Western officials are urging a new and less militarized approach.
Repeated Nigerian military incursions against the group have yielded many civilian casualties but still not reduce the activities of Boko Haram. It merely went underground after a bloody operation against it in 2009, and now carries out regular attacks against the Nigerian government and people.
“I think we’d like to see Nigeria take a more holistic approach,” said the American ambassador here, Terence P. McCulley, in an interview at the well-guarded and fortress-like United States Embassy here in the Nigerian capital.
“Clearly, the 2009 tactics may have contributed to the current direction,” he said, adding that the Nigerian security forces should not jeopardize civilians in their operations. He suggested that the government “address the grievances” of the northern population on economic and social matters.
Boko Haram continues to call for a strict application of Shariah law and the freeing of imprisoned members in northern Nigeria, where mass unemployment and poverty have fueled social unrest. Actually, about 50 million youths are underemployed, the World Bank says, in a country of 154 million. Despite abundant oil revenues, incomes have barely budged in 30 years, life expectancy is only 48 and the country remains one of the most economically unequal in the world, the United Nations says.
In the wake of last week Friday’s bombing, analysts and officials warn that those factors make repression a poor tactic for confronting Boko Haram.
“The chickens have come home to roost,” said another Western diplomat, who was not authorized to speak publicly. “Nigeria’s political elite has been ruling irresponsibly for decades, shamelessly plundering the nation’s wealth with little or no regard for the country’s masses,” the diplomat said in an e-mail. “The rise of Boko Haram and its millions of tacit, quiet supporters is a challenge to this corrupt political class.”
Mr. McCulley, the American ambassador, called the United Nations bombing a “paradigm shift,” adding that “it suggests Boko Haram has upped its game, if you will. It seems to show it wishes to expand its scope beyond the domestic.”
The ambassador said that the attack on the United Nations was a “game changer,” and that American interests could also be in the group’s sights. “It would be foolish to consider that we are not a possible target as well,” he said.
Indeed, in a conference call after the attack, a man describing himself as a spokesman for Boko Haram said that the United States was culpable because it “has been collaborating with the Nigerian government to clamp down on our members nationwide.” Both he and another self-described spokesman warned of more attacks to come.
Mr. McCulley, while saying there was no “direct evidence” of links between Boko Haram and Al Qaeda, said the group’s attacks have “become more sophisticated, more Al Qaeda-like. They’ve adopted some of their tactics.”
Other Western and Nigerian officials and analysts say members of Boko Haram have met and trained with Qaeda affiliates outside the country. They also cite propaganda by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in which the group boasts of assisting Boko Haram and pledges to help it avenge attacks on Muslims in Nigeria, including the killing of Boko Haram’s leader during the 2009 military assault.
Mr. McCulley said that current American training programs with Nigerian security services could be expanded. “I believe that going forward we’re going to have a more robust engagement with the army,” he said. F.B.I. agents arrived here to assist with the investigation soon after the bombing.
Even after the deadly United Nations bombing, which killed 11 United Nations staff members, including 10 Nigerians and one Norwegian woman, political violence attributed to Boko Haram continued in northern Nigeria over the weekend. A bomb was thrown into the home of the former police minister — no one was injured — and a local official was shot in his home by gunmen in Borno State, the center of the insurgency.
These attacks have become so routine in northern Nigeria that they now rate only a few paragraphs in the country’s newspapers. On Tuesday, Nigerian media reported that the national police chief, Hafiz Ringim, announced arrests in the United Nations bombing, but previous such arrests have not led to any decline in Boko Haram’s activities. Mr. Ringim had vowed earlier that Boko Haram’s days were “numbered,” and after his headquarters in Abuja was bombed in June, the police chief announced a crackdown.
Can you advice your Government now?

Happy Salah!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Decision Between The House Of GOD and Any Other Place On Sunday

Research has shown that people always like keeping their own schedules on Sundays thereby leaving the house of GOD empty. Today, it just came up to me that i should ask you to make a decision today, just like when Joshua in the HOLY BIBLE said that him and his family will serve the LORD.

Maybe, they have gone to the crossroads, maybe not.

But today, i want you to honour GOD for what HE is!

Within you, there exist the answers to your problems....


Allow GOD to ride on your back today to show forth HIS glory (Mark 11:2-4)

I just want to let you know this day that GOD's love is higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest sea, and wider than the widest ocean, today, GOD's love will find you!

The NOLLYWOOD's Problems

The Motion Picture Industry in Nigeria today, faces challenges never thought to have come to bear before bringing a once thriving Industry to its knees, in a choke hold that is part self-inflicted and part due to neglect and under-utilisation by Government. At the same time, the industry is facing immense prospects and commercial opportunities provided by the digital revolution.

The body ''Nollywood'' in 18 years, has positioned herself as the most viable information dissemination and image-making tool in Africa, as well as a veritable vehicle for social change, providing jobs for over 250,000 Nigerians, in all spheres of the production and distribution process.
The challenges hampering the full potential, accelerated growth and development of the Nigerian film industry, can be categorised, but not limited, to a number of broad headings, as follows;

Absence of a formal regulated structure
The body is lacking legal instruments. The absence of a formal structure in the Nigerian Film Industry, can be traced to the way the industry evolved and developed from the combined efforts of a few business men and creative TV producers, in the early 90s.
The Nigerian Film Policy of 1992, did not take into consideration, or anticipate the "explosion" of creative ingenuity that resulted in Nollywood. Recognising the inability of the old policy to address the peculiarities of the blossoming film industry, Government in 2006 reviewed the film policy to bring the motion picture industry in line with international best practices and prepare it for sustainable growth
Following the review, it was recommended, amongst others, that a Practitioners Council be set up to administer, regulate and professionalize the practice of making motion pictures in Nigeria.
This Council, anchored by the establishment of National Guilds and Associations, backed by the necessary enabling laws, is to ensure proper organisational structuring, entry criteria, rules/regulations, discipline, and set standards, thereby driving the potentials for quality productions.
Today, though there are conflicting and divergent views about governmental involvement in setting up the Council, including its independence and control, the various bills which have been in abeyance for whatever reasons since 2007, have been revived with a view to getting Presidential assent, public hearing, lobby and ultimate passage in the National Assembly.
This "feat" has been achieved by the cooperation of the Presidency, the various supervising M.D.A's and an industry that is today united, organized and self driven, speaking for the first time with one voice, one direction, one focus. The unified Coalition comprising D.G.N, A.M.P, F.V.P.M.A.N, M.O.P.P.A.N, C.D.G.N, N.S.Ed, N.S.C, I.T.P.A.N, A.N.T.P, and N.A.N.T.A.P has been largely instrumental to this spirit of cooperation
It is my considered opinion, that the establishment of the Council will be pivotal to the foundation of a regulated, professionally oriented industry, the much needed catalyst for the development and rejuvenation of the Nigerian Film Industry.

We are normally asked whether we shall fold our hands and watch our talents die in penury? Even as a popular Musician, 2shot have already said in his song that the way to face pirates is join them and gyrate. I still want to as whether we can simply accept it like that or not?
The absence of a structured and wide spread distribution network, has accelerated the incidence of piracy and encouraged bootleggers, whose activities magnified, as the distribution problem worsened.
Filmmakers' return on investment has dwindled so drastically, it has become impossible to sell 20,000 copies of any released title, with almost all returns going to the pirates. This, in people's opinions, is tantamount to Economic sabotage, and a threat to National Security, considering the over N10 billion Nollywood contributes to the Nigerian economy annually.
Piracy has become so rampant and unbridled, that what was previously done in secret, under the counter, is now done openly on street corners and markets, in the full glare of law enforcement, with people selling 20-in-one DVDs of pirated titles
The first logical step in this direction is to frontally tackle piracy. This can only be achieved by stringent, concerted efforts of all concerned, including film makers and other stakeholders in the entertainment Industry, with the full backing of the Federal Government through the relevant statutory/regulatory Agencies.
For a start, I suggest the establishment of a special, combined Anti-Piracy Task Force consisting of representatives of the Police, Copyright Commission, EFCC, SSS, SON, Customs, Corporations with an I.T bias, Ministry of Justice, Film makers and Musicians, to map out a short term agenda, for a multi faceted offensive against copyright infringement and piracy and for the long term; a broad based strategy, that would Include amending and strengthening existing inadequate laws.

It doesn't even stop at the above challenges, another unspeakable is that of circulation of the copies of created product down to the home video viewers.
Again, the evolution of the industry in Nigeria, through the financial efforts of "local businessmen", must be put into perspective and applauded. They, however, did not anticipate the changing dynamics of distribution in the new dispensation.
Distribution in today's era of technological convergence means that it will become more dynamic, needing constant reappraisal. Traditional distributors will need to present creative business plans/models,that take cognisance of the digital revolution, to stimulate alternate distribution channels and generate new revenue streams.
Digital convergence implies a world where information and content is digitized, personalised and accessible ‘on-demand' via multiple fixed and mobile platforms and devices. It is a world where the user is actively engaged, contributing to and interacting with services rather than passively consuming them. This has resulted in a fundamental shift in the way that users consume, perceive and value content and services.
Ironically, this challenge also offers the most outstanding opportunity and prospect that has ever presented itself to NOLLYWOOD.
With the advent of purpose built cinemas; (from community cinema's, to multi-screen Multiplexes,) the chain of distribution is slowly, but surely turning to the vertical model of distribution - Cinema/theatrical release; DVD release, VCD release; Satellite, terrestrial, cable, Internet, and free to air TV transmission, to residuals, etc. There are already successful examples to buttress this trend.
With the landing of the Glo One, Main One, WASC and other Submarine broadband cable systems in Nigeria, Fiber Optical and high bandwidth providers have opened the doors to the world in the digital realm, to us. From IPTV, 4G Smartphone's, iPad's, Androids and other advanced digital devices, to Pay TV/Video on demand, Pod casting and triple - play (phone/broadband internet/cable) packages about to come on stream, the traditional distribution system is poised to witness a revolution in the discerning consumers demands and tastes for high quality content, to feed this new media.
With exploding Social media providing access to over one billion users on the internet, the content provider must be prepared to adjust their modus operandi, to meet the projected increased demand for quality media content. The fundamental question therefore is, as producers and distributors, are we prepared or ready to meet these challenges?

At first, i was surprised when i heard this, considering the amount of money and number of millionaires made from this industry until i said to myself that after all, every Company will need a steady cash inflow to continue in operation. 
Sincerely, financing Films was ad hoc, based on bottom line profit margins, with a very limited access to Corporate and institutional finance, due to a dearth of statistics and figures, to generate projections or structured growth potentials, that could lead to multi-lateral, but diversified revenue streams.
Successive attempts to establish a film fund for Nigerian film makers, have not materialised. However, recently, some Finance houses, Institutional investors and Venture capitalists, have shown more than a passing interest in the film Industry, wishing to further explore the potentials of this lucrative industry.
The Presidential $200 million Entertainment Intervention Fund, from the $500 million World Bank Small Growing Business Loan Scheme, is therefore, a welcome development. However, contrary to widespread belief, this Loan is very accessible. Industry practitioners must change their ways of doing business, to access this fund. We have to be corporate in our approach, if we want to stand a chance. We have to be proactive by consulting experts in drawing up business plans/financial projections and tax papers, to meet the stringent requirements for the loan. The most important key to note, is that our films and intellectual property, are our greatest asset.

The initial practitioners of Video films in Nigeria, emerged from the NTA, when the popular T.V Soaps of the 80's and early 90's were in demand. These practitioners took the location based T.V production style, creatively utilising digital ENG Cameras of the time and created a genre, that has today become a film style of its own.
These early practitioners, were well trained technical personnel, some of whom trained in the best film schools in the world. This is reflective in the technical quality of the early productions, in comparison to some of what is presently produced.
However, because of the lack of formal or functional training facilities in the Country, subsequent technical personnel, had to learn "on the job", gathering "hands on" experience, as they systematically climbed the production hierarchy ladder.
Again, due to the loosely regulated environment, some of these home-grown personnel started cutting corners on core production values, to meet budgetary expectations. This resulted in the breeding of creatively inventive, but informally trained production personnel, who urgently need formal updated technical courses, across board, in the production value chain.
Training and re-training of practitioners has therefore become an absolutely necessity, to meet the demands of a very perceptive and exposed audience and the challenges of the digital revolution.
Finally, the motion picture industry, is the only sector in Art, culture and entertainment sector, that is under the Federal Ministry of Information, while all the others are under the Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This has caused a major disconnect between the industry and other sectors in the Arts.
This is a dilemma, as only the Ministry Of Culture is empowered by law, to sign and implement International treaties, bi-lateral agreements, and access to global film funds, on behalf of the Federal Government, which are very much needed for the sustainable growth of the film industry. So, where do we rightfully belong? The debate continues.

Lessons from Ibadan Downpour

In New York, Hurricane Irene is making is making people to flee from their homes as there has been cautionary measures put in place, at Ibadan, people are just over-powered by the powers behind the heavy downpour.

This is making approximately, 5-days to the anniversary of the day rain wreaked havoc on Ibadan 31 years ago, residents of the Oyo State capital were, again, left mourning, following disaster brought upon them by a downpour that lasted for  approximately 6-hours on Friday.
Ibadan is recorded to have ravaged on Sunday, August 31, 1980, with many lives and property lost to the rain which then a juju musician, Ebenezer Obey,  in a dirge, called ‘ojo abami’ (strange downpour).

The Friday's Ibadan downpour of the rain of rage and flood of tears came barely four weeks after the town was flooded in a similar manner, prompting government officials to start clearing most drainages that had been choked up with dirts. Although the downpour affected virtually every area of Ibadan, areas that were mostly affected were communities in Oluyole, Iddo, Akinyele, Lagelu, Ibadan South West, Egbeda, North West, and North East local government areas. The downpour resulted in serious traffic gridlock and commuters were stranded on their way home. Many eventually slept in their work places hotels and accessible places of abode of friends. Also, many motorists abandoned their vehicles on the road, either as a result of mechanical faults or out of fear of being washed away by the flood.
In Oluyole Estate, behind Vine Hospital, a man who was trying to escape through the ceilling when his house was flooded, got stuck and eventually died.

In Agbowo/U.I area of the town, at least,  15 people, mostly children, lost their lives to the downpour. Around Ile Eja/Carpenter area of Agbowo, it was a gory sight and a tale of sorrow and tears as many people could be seen swarming round dead bodies of children and grown up victims of the flood.
Sunday Tribune gathered that some of the dead victims included four children of the same father and their grandfather, another set of children and about five grown-ups.
Attempts to speak with relatives of some of the deceased children were unsuccessful, as they were not in the right frame of mind to speak. One of them even fainted and was resuscitated by sympathisers.
One of the residents of the area, Isaac Adedeji, whose house was also affected in the flood, stated that the area had not witnessed flooding in the past 12 years since the river around the area was dredged. He laid the blame of the flooding at the doorsteps of residents whom he said were fond of dumping refuse indiscriminately.
However, one of the miracle survival was that of a goat which was locked in a building along with about five others, which died as a result of the flood.
In Major Salawu and Quality areas of Agbowo, anger was in the air, as people gathered round flooded homes and two rivers in the community blaming government for not doing anything to checkmate the incessant flooding of the areas. Sympathisers were also seen around the home and corpse of a woman who died in the flood. The son of the deceased, who claimed to be a police officer, nearly threw caution into the wind as he almost beat our correspondent who went to cover the story.
When Sunday Tribune visited the area, residents, led by a community leader, Honourable Peter Oladitan, were seen trying to evacuate those who were still trapped in their houses.
However, contrary to other reports, while speaking with Sunday Tribune, Honourable Oladitan, who is a former member of Ibadan North Local Government Area caretaker committee, said rescuers had been able to retrieve 18 bodies, mostly those of children as well as that of a 76-year old who had drowned in her house.
He added that the Bodija stream, which passes through the community, overflowed its bank; a situation he said aided the flood, while also putting the blame on thos e who have formed the habbit of dumping refuse in the stream.

Family of eight loses six children in OluyoleA family of eight, on Saturday was said to have lost six children at Oluyole area of Ibadan to the flood which submerged their house.
As gathered, the father of the children, said to be on night duty, was not around when the incident happened, but the mother, said to be at home with the children, could not save the situation, as she could only wriggle herself out of the house.
The bodies of the children have not been found as of  press time, since nobody could gain access to the waterlogged house.
Also, their parents were not available for comments, as they have already taken cover somewhere else since there house was not inhabitable form.
But a nearby resident, Deacon John Okatche of Christ Jubilee Church at Adewumi Layout, Oke Ayo area of Oluyole Estate, whose church was adjacent to the victims' house, told Sunday Tribune that he had not encountered such problem in the area since he got to Ibadan in 1986.
“When we came in this morning, we discovered a family living very close to the church, just right beside our toilet area; only the wife escaped, the husband was on night shift and their children, who slept in the house, about seven of them, were nowhere to be found,” he said.
Apart from this family, property worth millions of naira were lost to the flood by people living at Oke Ayo, Alaafin Avenue, Rhema Chapel area abd Sumal Foods area of the estate as most of the houses in these areas were either submerged by flood or water-logged.
Some of the affected residents, who spoke with Sunday Tribune, expressed shock, as they said they had never witnessed such flood tide since over three decades that they had been living in the area.
They blamed the situation on the overflow of Eleiyele dam, which they said made the water to flow beyond its boundary. Lack of good drainage system was also said to be one of the causes of the deluge.
But an expert, Mr. Dupe Abimbola, who said he had worked at Eleiyele Water Works for years, said it could not have been as a result of the the fact that the dam was flushed out when it rained.
According to him, “this problem is not directly an Eleiyele problem, but channelisation problem.
“Eleiyele dam works automatically, once there is a pressure builtdup on the dam, it has  automatic valves that will open up and release water into Odo Ona. It is a very simple thing.
“But Odo Ona is not channeled to accept that volume of water. So, it will overflow into houses, spoil properties and destroy lives as we have seen today.
“The only solution is to appeal to governments to channelise Odo Ona the way they did to Ogunpa.”
A bungalow was almost totally submerged at Oke Ayo area of Oluyole Estate.
Fear of coffin during floodResidents of the area also became apprehensive when they discovered that a coffin was floating on the flood that had taken over the street, raiding the suspicion that cemeteries might have been affected by the flood.

Five swept away in OrogunAt the Orogun junction area of the city, five people were said to have been swept away on Friday night when a human chain formed by 20 people broke in the middle of flood water on UI-Ojoo road. Vehicles and other valuable property were similarly touched with electric poles and cables lying dangerously on the road.
The Celestial Church of Christ (CCC), Irapada Parish, which is located by the roadside, was mostly affected by the flood, even as the Shepherd-in-Charge and a survivor, Most Supreme Evangelist Onafujabi Babatunde, stated that about 57 members of the church were trapped inside the auditorium while the flooding lasted. He revealed that they all ran for safety on the galery of the auditorium, noting that all of them survived.
He called on the government to rise to the occasion by constructing a real bridge at the Orogun junction, instead of the box culvert which was constructed by the government, despite warnings that it might not curtail erosion in the area.
Indeed, most residents who spoke with Sunday Tribune attributed the severe flooding to the habit of people who dump refuse indiscriminately.
While the flooding was ongoing on Friday night, many residents of Mokola-Roundabout area were seen dumping refuse into the gutters.
A community leader in Agbowo, Pa Lawal Ajibade, said the disaster would persist if residents of Ibadan would not change their attitude towards uncleanliness.

Flood wrecks havoc in Ibadan PolytechnicThe rain left a devastating effect on facilities at The Polytecnic, Ibadan as property worth millions of naira were lost.
When Sunday Tribune visited the premises of the higher institution, some of the severly-affected were the staff quarters, students’ hostels, Bursary Department, the newly-renovated assembly hall, registry department, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, lecture theatres and the Centre for Information and Data Management.
Visibly worried about the magnitude of the damage, the rector of the institution, Professor Ayobami Odunola, assured students of the institution that efforts would be made to restore essential services lost to the flood.

Five bodies recovered in New GarageAt a community on the New Garage/Apata expressway, the chairman of the caretaker committee of Oluyole Local Government Area of the state, Abass Aleshinloye, told Sunday Tribune that bodies of five people were removed from different houses by youths in the community.
In Maje, at Idi Mango area of Soka, an eyewitness told Sunday Tribune that the flood swept away a car and killed a child.

One swept away at Oje area
At Temidire area of Oje, a family of four, which had been sacked by the flood and was looking for where to stay for the night, confided in Sunday Tribune that the Temidire Stream overflowed its bank and ferried away one person.

Woman lost poultry farm, fish pond to floodA poultry farm and a fish pond filled with chicken and fishes were also reportedly swept away by the flood on Friday at Onipon Estate, Podo area of Ibadan. The farm, which was reportedly owned by a woman, was said to be large with birds fishes worth millions of naira.

Corpse deposited in ApataThe corpse of a middle-aged woman was also reportedly discovered at Oke Ayo area of Apata on Saturday. According to a resident of the area, the people of the community found the body of the woman deposited at the path of the flood.
The resident added that efforts to locate relatives of the woman proved abortive, while it was suspected that the flood must have carried the corpse from a far distance.

Family wiped out in IjokodoIn Ijokodo area, one of the people affected was one Mr. Kunle Akinyele, a member of Christ Family Assembly Word Communication Ministry (WOCOM) Onireke, Ibadan. He, alongside his two daughters and his wife’s nephew, who came to visit them, lost his life.
He was said to be already in the house by the time the rain started with his daughters and his wife’s nephew when the rain started. According to an eyewitness, a fence close to their residence fell on their apartment killing everyone in the building.
Akinyele’s wife, Bukola, who returned home after the downpour, was said to have discovered their bodies. Their bodies were said to have been deposited at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.

Church, cars, buildings submerged in Odo OnaThe story was not different at Odo Ona area of Ibadan on the Apata axis as residents have only losses to count. For Reverend Ezekiel Odunlade of Prepare Way for Jesus Evangelical Church, it was a double loss as his church and property went with the rain. Speaking with Sunday Tribune, Reverend Odunlade said: “All that I was able to retrieve were some documents belonging to the church. All other property have been trapped.”
The rain did not spare the luxury building and posh cars of Mr. Isaac Adebayo, whose three-year-old four-flat building was submerged to almost to half of its entire height.
While Sunday Tribune witnessed occupants of the building salvaging some property from the ground floor, there was still no hope of how to retrieve the three cars — a Pathfinder , a Toyota Camry and a Golf — that were trapped in his flooded compound.

Ajibode community cut offThe Ajibode community, situated behind the University Of Ibadan,  was completely cut off from the town as the dreaded river in the community overran its bank, shutting people at home, while many residents, who were outside before the rain, could not go in. Even the new bridge, allegedly being constructed for the community by the UI authorities, as tall as it is, was totally submerged by water.
A resident of the community, Mr. Yomi Ogunsanya, told our reporter that he could not get home, adding that his wife, who was within Ajibode at the time of the rain, also could not sleep in their house.
Sunday Tribune learnt that those who could brave it had to go through Ologuneru, along Eruwa-Eleyele road, to come out of the community.

Police, student rescue woman in Apete At Apete area, a combined team of police and students of The Polytechnic, Ibadan were able to rescue a lady who had drowned.
It was also gathered from eyewitnesses that, at least, five vehicles  with unspecified number of passengers were submerged in the flood and they were yet to be rescued or their corpses found as of the time of writing this report. Some of the people who spoke with Sunday Tribune said  some members of the community were still missing, raising fear that the missing persons might have been washed away by the flood.

Foodstuff prices soarAs a result of the complete cut off of Apete from the rest of Ibadan, owing to the total colapse of the linking bridge, prices of foodstuff have been hiked by traders in Apete area because of the sudden panic buying by residents. Puqued by the development, students of The Polytecnic Ibadan, who constitute the bulk of the community, immediately issued a stern warning to traders in the area to stop the arbitrary increase in the prices of goods or face the wrath of the students.
When Sunday Tribune visited the area early yesterday, commercial  motorcycle riders, popularly called okada, were charging N500 per passengers in and out of Apete, while buses were charging N200. One of them told Sunday Tribune that the increament became necessary because of the distance they needed to cover before getting out of Apete.

Parts of Apata, Oluyole, Owode cut offAlso, communities, such as Apata, Oluyole, Owode Estate and others, were completely cut off other parts of the Ibadan metropolis as a result of the flood that overflowed bridges linking the communities.
The Odo Ona Bridge that links the area with Apata was completely overflowed by river, making the road impassable. The bridge linking 7UP area in Oluyole to Mobil area also collapsed and cars could been seen in the rivers.
A resident, who sent a distress text message to Sunday Tribune said: “As I speak now, we at Oluyole have been cut off. A bridge has been totally washed away. We never know  how to link Ring Road now. God dey sha, we go survive.”

Olubadan commiserate with residentsThe Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade I, has commiserated with residents of Ibadan over the flood that ravaged the city on Friday.
The monarch, who expressed sadness over the heavy loss of lives and property caused by the massive flood that swept through the city, said the flood was unfortune.
The Olubadan, in a press release made available to Sunday Tribune, symphatised with the victims, especially families who lost people and property to the disaster.
He also prayed tha Almighty God grant the families of the departed the fortitude to bear the irreparable losses.
The traditional ruler, however, called on the Oyo State governor, Senator Isiaka Ajimobi, to give material and financial assistance to the victims of the flood, in order to alleviate their suffering, while appealing to the state government to intensify efforts to clear the drainages in the city.

Oyo deploys helicopter, relief materials to victims of floodingThe state governor, Senator Ajimobi, procured the services of an helicopter for the rescue of citizens and distribution of relief materials to all victims of the flooding havoc which swept round some key places in the state capital on Saturday.
The government also enlisted the support of the GOC, 2nd Mechanised Division, Major General Mubarak, for the provision of bailey bridges over the two rivers whose bridges were swept off at Apete and Olomi areas.
The governor, who ordered immediate procurement of the helicopter for an immediate rapid assessment of the affected areas and rescue of trapped victims of the flood, also ordered immediate setting up of two camps at the Apete and Odo Ona areas of the state capital for immediate palliative measures towards the flooding.
Governor Ajimobi also ordered immediate procurement of blankets, mattresses, drugs and food to all affected areas, so as to ensure that the suffering encountered by the people were brought to the barest minimum.

Governor cuts short Umrah
The governor, who immediately cut short his pilgrimage to Mecca for the lesser Hadj and immediately headed for the airport for the next available flight to Nigeria, said he learnt with great shock and sadness of the flood disaster and expressed sympathy to the families and victims of the disaster.
On learning of the disaster, Governor Ajimobi immediately directed the deputy governor of the state, Mr. Moses Alake Adeyemo, commissioners  and all local government chairmen of the affected areas to immediately begin a massive coordination of the rescue, assessment and palliative exercise aimed at providing succour for the victims of the flood.
The team, which immediately embarked on the assessment exercise, paid on-the-spot visits to the Eleiyele dam, the collapsed bridge at Apete, Ijokodo junction area, the collapsed bridge at Olomi, the Parliament road leading to Premier Hotel and the bridge at Odo Ona area of the state capital, where the deputy governor interviewed residents of the area on the disaster and their immediate needs.
The state government also immediately contacted all relevant state and federal agencies involved in rescue exercises, such as the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) which officials were deployed on the state government-procured helicopter, as well as house-to-house visits, so as to feel the pulse of the victims, as well as ascertain the level of destruction occasioned by the flood.
Governor Ajimobi used the opportunity to express his sympathy to the victims of the destruction occasioned by the flood.
He promised that government would do all within its powers to prevent reoccurrence of sad incidences like the flooding, stating that flooding, like every natural disaster, was one of the dangers that man was incapable of predicting.
He said one of the plans that the government had was to continue with its massive drainage evacuation exercise which had already begun in all the roads of the state, as well as through clearing all water channels, removing all illegal structures blocking water channels and passageways and water right of way.

Akinjide condoles with Ibadan residents
The Minister of State for Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Ms. Jumoke Akinjide, also commiserated with victims of the flood.
In a release made available to Sunday Tribune on Saturday, Akinjide, who is an indigene of Ibadan, said; “I, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, the Minister of State, FCT, use this medium to express my heartfelt condolences to the  Executive Governor of Oyo state, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, and the good people of Oyo State, particular the families and friends of the  victims of the unfortunate flood that ravaged some parts of Ibadan yesterday in which, I was informed, valuable properties and lives were lost.
“I heard of the sad incident at a time we were brooding over another dastardly act of the bombing of the United Nations (UN) building in Abuja.
“The two grave occurrences at a time we are making concerted efforts to move our beloved country, Nigeria, forward are, indeed, regrettable and disconcerting.”

Vigil saves family
The Abioye family’s decision to attend a NASFAT vigil in the holy month of Ramadan has turned out to be the saving grace from a building collapse that would have claimed the lives of the entire family, following the flooding.
The family, which house is located very close to  the bridge in Save and Serve area, off Eleyele, were said to have left home a few minutes after 8:00 p.m. for the vigil, only  to return the following morning to meet their house pulled down by the flood.
Narrating the incident to Sunday Tribune, Mrs. Kafayat Abioye, said “we left home some minutes after 8:00pm for NAFSAT vigil day at Sango, Ibadan yesterday (Friday) when it was raining. Even though we noticed the flood already seeping into our house when we were leaving home, we thought it was the normal occurrence we usually experience whenever it rained hoping that it would dry out later. But surprisingly we returned this morning (Saturday) only to find our house reduced to rubble and the entire area taken over by water. The affected car wash over there is my husbands.”
Kafayat who sat near the scene of the incident with her children as well as friends and fellow residents that came to sympathise  with the family, looked every bit unruffled.
“Although we might have lost everything that we have laboured for all our lives, we are only grateful to God for sparing our lives,”she added.
The chairman of Onireke Local Government Area, Mr. Wasiu Olatunbosun, who came to the scene of the flood at 8:30 am on Saturday to ascertain the extent of damage spoke with Sunday Tribune on the incident.
“Actually, I got the information this morning and the first thing I did was to go round to the affected areas in my consistuency, that is my local government area. As the first citizen of this locality and representative of Governor Abiola Ajimobi in this area, I deemed it fit to assess the extent of damage caused. It’s really very devastative. We are also going to look at how to forestall such occurrence in the future,” he said.

NEMA deploys search and rescue officers
Meanwhile, the Director General of NEMA, Muhammad Sani-Sidi, has directed special Search and Rescue officers to intervene in addressing “the worst and devastating flood that ravaged some structures and facilities including loss of lives in Ibadan Oyo State yesterday.”
The agency, through Yushau Shuaib,  claimed on Saturday that truck-loads of relief materials from NEMA would soon be delivered to some of the victims of the flood as most response agencies, including civil defence, fire service, military, Red Cross and volunteer groups are mobilised for the operation.
He noted that currently, NEMA and Oyo state officials were conducting on-the-spot assessment of situations in Ibadan.

Today, i want to ask, what would you do to serve your Country?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Olutoye tells OBJ, IBB To Apologise To Nigerians,

Before we start, i'd like to ask, ''is this the so-called battle of the might? ''

According to proven sources of information, the recent war of words between The former President, Olusegun Obasanjo and former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida, was yesterday described as a show of shame and naked dance in the public.
A former member of the Supreme Military Council, SMC, and also a federal commissioner, Major General Olufemi Olutoye (rtd), who spoke on the issue, asked the two leaders to apologise to Nigerians over their recent war of words.

In a statement, Olutoye said he “felt disappointed by the action of the two generals as an elder statesman from the same constituency where both former Nigerian leaders also belonged. It started with a Freudian slip from General Ibrahim Babangida (Rtd) during his 70th birthday celebrations where he cast aspersions on the regime of General Olusegun Obasanjo (rtd), describing it as lack-lustre and un-eventful.

“In his usual abrasive manner Obasanjo spat back his venom when he ended up his tirade by saying, “a fool at 70 is definitely, a fool to the grave. One cannot but feel disappointed with such a show of shame. Making such unguarded statements and with raw language in public and by former presidents.

With the background of Spartan military discipline, the rich experience and wisdom of old age and such hallowed position as former Heads of state, one begins to wonder why this show of shame and naked dance in the public place.

Could this be because they are in their dotage, or could this be deliberate effort to seek relevance to avoid being forgotten in the stench of the dustbin of history?”

Today, i want to ask you, what are the things that will make you not to stay in peace with your brother?
If you don't want peace, is it pieces?
I always think of the famous words of Mr. King, '' why can't we others just get along?''

All that we are asking for is peace to reign!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Passes and Failures Recorded as WAEC releases results

It was fascinating to hear from The Head of National Office of the WAEC, Dr Iyi Uwadiae, saying at a news conference in Abeokuta, Ogun State, on Wednesday that The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), released the results of the May/June 2011 Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) results. This was accompanied with a news that out of the total 1,460,003 results released, over 600,000 failed English Language, indicating that about 41 % of this year's candidates failed in English language.

He also added that about 80,247 candidates who wrote the May/June examinations had their results being processed due to various errors and omissions, while 81,573 candidates had their results withheld for alleged malpractices.

According to him, out of about 1,540,250 candidates who wrote the examination, about 600,000, representing 37 %, obtained credit in Mathematics, while over 800,000, representing about 54 %, obtained credit in English Language.

Dr. Uwadiae said that the candidates whose results were withheld were found to be involved in various examination malpractices.

He then added that the council was investigating and might release some of the withheld results, while those found guilty might be barred from writing any examination organised by the body.

Meanwhile, out of 110 blind candidates who wrote the examination, about 40 obtained five credits, including in English Language and Mathematics.

This is not to discourage our young people who took the exams, we just decided to let, the freedom of information. It is your right!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Enugu workers embark on 3-day warning strike over minimum wage

Enugu State workers were today Wednesday said to embark on a three-day warning strike to protest government’s refusal to pay them the ₦18,000 minimum wage.

The decision was taken on yesterday, Tuesday in Enugu, the state capital, at a rally jointly organised by the state chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Joint Public Service Negotiating Council

Addressing the workers, the state NLC Chairman, Mr. Chukwumaife Nze, said the workers rejected a government’s circular that added only ₦10,000 and ₦5,000 to the salaries of employees on levels 01-06 and from level 07 and above respectively.

He added that the circular was signed by the Head of Service, Denis Eze.

The Chairman, Mr Nze urged government to withdraw the circular and implement the salary chart submitted to it by the organised labour forthwith.

He also added that government had invited the labour unions for further negotiation, and assured the workers that they would not accept anything less than the ₦18,000 minimum wage.

Consequently, from the writing on the wall, Enugu state workers may just have no other option than to embark on Industrial action from today, Wednesday.

Ubong Edem