Sunday, November 8, 2015

Riches of HIS Grace

Ephisians 1 : 6 – 9

The important thing that sustains Christians is GRACE.
When Grace comes, many other things, like riches accompany it.
There is nothing that helps like grace. Why did other people try out something but failed? It’s because of grace that you succeeded where others failed.
God says that HIS grace is here. HE said that HIS grace is sufficient. A man with grace doesn’t suffer or struggle alone. Anything he does, grace steps in. Grace is accompanied by salvation. Know that if one misses salvation, which is totally free, the person will be speechless in the presence of GOD.
Titus 2 : 11
“For the grace of GOD has brought salvation to all”. But is salvation found with everyone?
Are you saved?
No matter how bad it is, when heaven come, salvation gets ushered in. Paul testified that he used to be a killer, but salvation came to him and he was saved.
-        Grace gives way to favour.
Look at Mary the mother of Jesus. The Angel confirmed that she was favoured. Nothing profits men as the grace of GOD, for it gives way to favour.
Look at Esther. Even in strange land with over 120 villages in the province, she got favoured to become the queen. The former queen was filled with pride. Are you aware of the fact that “He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”?  From now on, humble yourself that you may be uplifted. Through humility, the day of upliftment came to Esther. The grace was before Esther. Have you asked, who would have recommended Esther for that position, as poor as she was?
Look at the Jews, GOD used the same Esther to liberate them.

Your status or beauty is not important here, all we need is Jesus in your life. Esther remembered grace that lifted her from dust to throne. She fasted. Then, prayers broke protocols.

Where your strength ends, grace will take over.
-        Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Spiritual gifts.  In Acts, it was recorded that the same Peter that denied Jesus Christ preached with boldness, after the reception of Holy Spirit.

GOD Bless you.

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